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Rider must be a current financial ‘riding member’ of LDDC to be eligible for awards.
Points are awarded from the date of riding membership.

Riders must compete at a minimum of 50% of LDDC competitions held throughout the year.
Points are awarded for horse and rider combinations.

Points will be awarded as follows;
1st – 6 Points, 2nd – 5 points, 3rd – 4 points, 4th – 3 points, 5th – 2 points. Points will only be
awarded for scores over 58%.

1 point awarded for participation, any score and place. Must complete test not scratch or eliminated.
Awards will be given for the following levels;

  • Preparatory Horse of the Year

  • Preliminary Horse of the Year

  • Novice Horse of the Year

  • Elementary Horse of the Year

  • Medium Horse of the Year

  • Advanced Horse of the Year

  • FEI Horse of the Year

  • Pony of the Year

  • Junior Rider of the Year (Under 13)

  • Young Rider of the Year (13 and Under 21)

Horse of the Year - awards points will only be awarded for placings in all classes for their respective
levels. For example, Preliminary Horse of the Year will gain points from Official Competitive, Closed
Restricted and Closed Unrestricted at Preliminary level. Young Rider Classes are excluded as they
have their own category.
Junior – until the end of the year in which they turn 13
Young Rider – beginning of the year they turn 14 up until the end of the year they turn 21

Prizes will be awarded for the winners and runners up in each category at the presentation night in
February 2024. In the event of a tie for the winner or runner up both horses/riders will be awarded
that placing. Committee reserves the right to add, remove or change awards depending on
numbers. Points will be awarded at all LDDC events throughout 2023.

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© 2023 by Leeton District Dressage Club. 

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